The Protocol Browser
The protocol browser is accessed by clicking the Protocols button on the Count/Size tab.
You can scroll through protocols in the browser using the mouse wheel. Each protocol has a drop-down menu listing the different versions of the protocol.
Versions are divided into two categories in the drop down menu.
Predefined versions: These versions are installed with Image-Pro and can not be deleted.
My Saved Versions: These are user saved versions that can be freely deleted.
After selecting a version from the drop-down menu click the Load button to open the Protocol in the Protocols Panel.
Filtering by Collections
Protocols are organized into collections. You can make a selection from the Collections drop down menu to only show members of that collection in the Browser.
Display all of your protocols in the browser.
Display only recently used protocols in the browser.
Display your favorite protocols in the browser.
Note: You add protocols to this collection by clicking their favorite star in the protocol browser.
My Protocols
Display on protocol versions that you have saved.
Licensed Collections of Protocols
Select the name of any licensed collection of protocols to show only members of that collection.
Note: You can choose what is displayed in the Collections drop-down menu from the Protocols tab of the Layout Manager.
Filtering by Tags
Make a selection from the Tags drop-down menu to show only those protocols with the selected tag in the browser.
Note: You can choose what is displayed in the Tags drop-down menu from the Protocols tab of the Layout Manager.
By entering a word, or part of a word in the Search field, the protocols are filtered to only show those with names or tags that match the search term in the browser.
Importing a Protocol
Saved protocols can be shared with colleagues that have an appropriately licensed copy of Image-Pro. In order to import a protocol that has been shared with you, click on the Import button.
A Load Protocol dialog opens
Navigate to and select the protocol file (protocol files have the extension .pch).
Click Open.
The Protocol is displayed in the Protocol Browser.
Note: If you wish to share your own protocol with a colleague, they can be found in this location: C:\Users\<Current User>\Documents\Image-Pro <Version>\Protocols
Adding a new protocol
This option is only available when Expert Mode is enabled in the application options.
Click on the New button to open the New Protocol dialog.
Adding a Protocol to your favorites
To add a version of a protocol to your list of favorites, select it from the Protocol's drop-down menu, then click the 'favorite' star.
You can display your favorite protocols in the browser by selecting Favorites from the Collections drop down menu.
Deleting a Protocol
Pre-definedversions of Protocols are protected and can not be deleted. You are free to delete your own saved versions of protocols.
Select the version that you wish to delete in the Protocol's drop down menu and click the Delete button.
Deleted versions of protocols are moved to the Recycle Bin.